Neuro-Integration Therapy Program at InDepth Therapy.  

Welcome to some of the most innovative treatment options available  for resolving mental health and addiction issues today. We are  stacking our psychotherapy treatment with cutting edge modalities  including Brain Maps, Brainspotting, Neurofeedback, Brain  Entrainment and Vibroacoutic Therapy. Treatment outcomes are  measurably effective and efficient in the quick resolution of presenting  symptoms our client’s are present with.  

Brain Maps are an integral part of the Neuro-integration Therapy (NIT)  program at InDepth Therapy. We begin by measuring brainwave  patterns using QEEG, which is a digitized version of a regular EEG.  After analyzing the QEEG a “Brain Map” is created to show areas of  higher or lower than normal brainwave activity, helping determine  which frequencies need attention. After any of our offered treatments,  another brain map can be conducted to measure changes in  neuroplasticity and brain normalization.  

Brain Entrainment Therapy (BET): The therapeutic use of using  specific external stimuli, such as sound, light, or electromagnetic  pulses, to influence the brain’s natural electrical activity. It  encourages the brain to align with desired frequencies associated  with specific mental states. The brain can use this stimuli to entrain  itself for emotional well-being resulting in the reduction of stress,  anxiety, insomnia, focus related challenges, and enhanced cognitive  performance.  

Neurofeedback Therapy: A type of biofeedback that uses real-time  displays of brain activity to reach self-regulation of brain function. It  involves monitoring brain wave patterns through sensors placed on  

the scalp and providing feedback in the form of visual, auditory, or  tactile signals. The goal of neurofeedback is to train the brain to  maintain healthier patterns of activity, which can improve cognitive,  emotional, and behavioral functioning. It is often used to address  conditions such as anxiety, depression, ADD, PTSD, sleep disorders  and chronic pain. The therapy is non-invasive can be performed in 

clinic or in the comfort of your home. Over time the brain learns to  operate more efficiently, leading to long-term benefits.  

Vibroacoustic Therapy: The innovative treatment that is making  waves in the world of mental health and addiction. Combining the  power of music and vibration, vibroacoustic therapy offers a unique  and effective approach to healing both the body and the mind.  Experience the transformative power of vibroacoustic therapy, a  profoundly relaxing and therapeutic treatment that has the potential  to change your life.  

How Does Vibroacoustic Therapy Work? 

Clients lay on a specially designed table that has internal tactile  transducers that apply vibrations directly to the body while listening  through headphones to the music that is creating those exact  vibrations.  

This real-time “hearing and feeling” of the same frequencies  simultaneously creates and immersive effect that gives VAT a unique  ability to impact the total mind, body and spirit. True acoustic  resonance occurs between the body and the table, inducing  incredible feelings of euphoria and clarity.  

VAT helps clients relax through its unique ability to reset their  autonomic nervous system from sympathetic to parasympathetic in as little as 22 minutes! The sympathetic nervous system controls  your “fight or flight” response while the parasympathetic nervous  system brings your body into a state of calm, or “rest and digest”.  This makes VAT a powerful tool for reducing stress and promoting  relaxation, which can have numerous benefits for overall health and  wellbeing. Our client’s experience a decrease in depression, anxiety,  chronic pain, symptoms related to trauma and an overall  improvement in mood.  

We offer a myriad of ways to utilize all of these amazing technologies  to help make our client’s treatment more impactful. 

We cannot emphasize enough how unique this experience is in our  industry. This transformative offering and experience has a  tremendously positive impact on the care we provide.  

For many of our clients, it’s the reason they chose InDepth Therapy  and we’re excited to continue to grow these services as this  technology blossoms.  

Ready to start our Neuro-Integration program to help you heal? Call  our office today to learn more.

Understanding BrainTap  Technology 

As part of our mental health services, we employ the use of several  technologies one of these is called BrainTap. BrainTap’s innovative  technology produces “brainwave entrainment”- the harmonization of  brainwaves to a specialized sound- much like meditation but requires no  special training or experience. BrainTap produces the same relaxation  response as meditation without the need for years of disciplined practice,  giving your body precisely what it needs to get back in balance and reverse  the effect of stress on the body. 

Four Key Elements of BrainTap 

Guided Visualization 

The visual imagery process involves you sitting aside a period of relaxation,  during which you contemplate mental images depicting a desired result or  goal. This exercise is done during the spoken word session to help you  envision a consistent image (either literal or symbolic) of the results desired  from the session. Visualization has been studied for decades, showing the  power to affect mental states, improve physical and athletic performance and  even heal the body. When combined with the other elements of BrainTap,  these effects are increased and optimized. 

10-Cycle Holographic Music 

Another aid to the guided mediation is 10- cycle holographic music, which is  a sonic technology that produces a 360-degree sound environment. In this  sonic environment, the visualizations become more real to the mind, helping  you take full advantage of the power of the visualizations by creating a more  receptive learning state.

The Power of Light 

The BrainTap headset delivers gentle light pulses that travel through the  retina and ear meridians, sending direct signals to the brain and guiding you  into unparalleled brain states. Pulsing light, in the correct pattern and  intensity, can produce levels of deep relaxation known to affect serotonin and  endorphin levels, which an average increase of 21% in one study. These  increases not only can calm and relax the mind but also produce powerful  effects in maintaining a positive outlook and optimistic thinking. 

Binaural Beats 

When two different tones, separated in frequency by only a few hertz, are  introduced - one in each ear - the brain perceives a third, unique tone.  Binaural beats work by creating this phantom frequency, which the brain then  mimics. Your brain naturally follows this frequency, and you experience this  deeply relaxed state. BrainTap’s algorithms have been shown to produce a  state of calm and concentration in the brain, yielding the full effect of the  guided visualization, and resulting in extraordinary levels of performance that  would otherwise take years of practice to achieve. 

This practice consists of equal intensity pulses of sound separated by an  interval of silence. They turn on and off rapidly, but the speed depends on the  desired brain frequency. The discrete nature of isochronic tones makes them  particularly easy for the brain to follow. While binaural beats rely on  balanced hearing in both ears, isochronic tones work effectively for nearly  everyone, except for someone with complete hearing loss. This is the reason  BrainTap’s algorithms incorporate both types of tones. 

Benefits of Using BrainTap 

BrainTap was developed after decades of research by Dr. Richard Porter to  help patients achieve balanced brainwave activity needed for optimal  function of body and mind. Each session on BrainTap is individually  designed to ensure the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new 

neural connections, resulting in a flexible and resilient brain. The BrainTap  headset and programs help build mind-body balance just like balancing your  exercise at the gym with a healthy diet. 

• Deep relaxation stimulates the production of natural, stress and  tension-relieving neurotransmitters, such as endorphins 

• Helps change unwanted behaviors and habits, including those  contributing to smoking and over-eating 

• Balances the brain’s right and left hemispheres, inspiring  both focus and creativity 

• Promotes relaxation, which contributes to maintaining healthy sleep 

• Brings more blood flow to the brain for clearer thinking and better  concentration 

• Alleviates negative mind chatter and enhances motivation and  performance 

• Decreases or eliminates jet lag 

• Provides a natural ability to put stress in its place 

Most users report stress relief through deep relaxation, maintaining healthy  sleep patterns, improved memory, improved learning skills such as  concentration and recall of information, a sense of calm, increased focus,  lucid dreaming, and increased physical energy. Please be aware that while the  BrainTap technology is designed to help you reach your full potential, we  cannot guarantee your results. Please understand that results will vary from  person to person. 

Let’s begin with a BrainTap session. Please see the front receptionist or call  to schedule one today!