Prepare Confidently for Your TOVA Test with Our Guidance

Recognizing that getting ready for the TOVA Test might induce anxiety, we're here to provide the assistance necessary for you to confront it with assurance. Our team of experts guarantees thorough preparation for the test, and we've provided some suggestions to enhance your experience:

  1. ​Light Breakfast: We recommend having a light breakfast on the day of the test to help maintain focus and energy levels.

  2. Avoid Caffeine: To ensure accurate results, it's advisable to avoid caffeine before the test, as it can impact attention and concentration.

  3. ADHD Medications: Refrain from taking ADHD medications on the day of the test, as their effects can influence the assessment.

  4. Good Night's Rest: Prioritize a good night's rest before the test to enhance cognitive functioning and attentiveness.

  5. Arrive Prepared: Plan to arrive at our office ready to focus for up to 1 hour. This will contribute to an optimal testing environment.